ammonium phosphotungstate

ammonium phosphotungstate
фосфорновольфрамовокислый аммоний

English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "ammonium phosphotungstate" в других словарях:

  • PHOSPHORE — Le phosphore doit son nom à la lumière qu’il émet par oxydation lente et spontanée, à la température ordinaire. Le moins abondant des éléments de la seconde rangée de la table périodique, il représente environ 1,3 p. 100 de la quantité de… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • stain — 1. To discolor. 2. To color; to dye. 3. A discoloration. 4. A dye used in histologic and bacteriologic technique. 5. A procedure in which a dye or combination of dyes and reagents is used to color the constituents of cells and tissues. For… …   Medical dictionary

  • Polyoxometalate — The term polyoxometalate (abbreviated POM) is applied to an extremely large group of generally anionic clusters with frameworks built from transition metal oxo anions linked by shared oxide ions. The term is usually applied to clusters of 3 or… …   Wikipedia

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